Sunday, March 12, 2006

Los Ancianos

I have always liked "old people" :) When I was young, I would walk up to the nearby trailer court where a couple of my older friends lived and spend time talking to them.

Mrs. Powell was a tiny little lady and looked like Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies. She loved to crochet little doillies in greens and yellows and her teeth clacked when she talked. She would offer me some stale crackers and a something to drink. I just thought it was so interesting to be in her home and see what her life was all about.

2 doors down was Mrs. Brazil. She lived in a very tiny travel trailer type getup. She was chubby and wore dresses with no hose. She was always friendly and we mostly sat outside at her place because it was so small.

Even now I like to visit the trailer court in Florida and talk to the older people - they have done so many things, learned so many lessons. You can learn a lot about life by listening to them talk and seeing how they have responded, whether negatively or positively.

I hope some nice young person will come visit me in my old age someday. And I hope I won't be mean and crochety. :)


Blogger Sage said...


Sun Mar 12, 07:29:00 PM EST  
Blogger Butterfly said...

me too!:)we love you.....

Sun Mar 12, 08:29:00 PM EST  
Blogger Julie Alexander said...

My sister and I lived in a neighborhood with few children. We spent our days visiting the "old people" who lived in the surrounding houses. There was Gertie, who gave us those soft pink mints and brown sugar on a spoon. There was Mr. & Mrs. Meschner. He taught us how to play checkers. There was Miss Ramsey, who was an old-maid school teacher. She had a one-room school house set-up in one room of her house and we used to go there and play school. Then there was Christy, who lived on the corner. She was deaf and couldn't understand half of what you said to her. She'd end up getting mad at us because she always thought we were trying to get into her house. Those are wonderful memories. We just don't do "neighboring" the way we used to! Even where my Mom and Dad are now concerned, my sister and I have been talking about getting them to write some of their stories down (or we need to). My Dad lived through the depression, my Mom grew up in World War II London. There are some GREAT lessons to be learned there! :)

Mon Mar 13, 12:20:00 PM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

you could never be mean and crochety! i bet you'll be the sweetest ol' red head of them all, and the little kids will line up for miles to get some of your special baked goods :)

Mon Mar 13, 08:32:00 PM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

You mean and crochety? That's like me being quiet for one Spanish class. In case you can't tell, that's very unlikely.

Mon Mar 13, 10:24:00 PM EST  

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