Friday, June 30, 2006

It's done.

My wisdom teeth are out. This seems to be a favorite summer past-time for oral surgeons.

First of all they make you sign your life away initialing off boxes that say it's ok with you if you are maimed for life, have pieces of root still left in your jaw, or your other teeth are damaged in the process, and the list goes on. My sister and I laughed so hard we were crying at the things I had to agree to and hope wouldn't happen!

I am a little swollen and bruised, but not badly. The biggest fight I had with myself was when they were going to give me the anesthesia. I had this picture in my mind of me feeling suffocated and them starting to work on me when I wasn't really "out". My fears were in vain.

But the girl who "helped" looked no more than 16 years old and would approach one IV bag and read it and then shake her head and set it aside, then step to the other side of the room and look over the instruments, appearing very uncertain as to where to start. Finally she said,"Well, why don't we start you on some laughing gas now." Ho Ho. It didn't help that I had heard the other nurses asking her out front if her Mom was working here today. I thought, "Oh, no - this is someone's child they are letting have a little "learning experience". She asked me if the gas was doing anything. I replied to the negative. I really wanted to bolt out of that chair. But the doctor came in and put on the IV and said the medicine would make me fall asleep, and next thing I knew they were slapping my legs to wake me up. Whew!!!!

I have basically slept for 2 days and now want to get up and do something. But, I better beware, because if I cause one of those clots to pop out, I will get a dry socket, and that is painful!

Thak the Lord I have a sense of humor.:)

Thanks, Julie and Danielle, for the lovely meal tonight. Now I better go take some more ibuprofen. See you later.


Blogger Julie Alexander said...

Posting and changing your background...just 2 days post op! You are a brave girl! Thanks for the fun visit...hope we didn't wear you out! Looking forward to seeing you Sunday (if you're up to it). We'll keep praying.

Fri Jun 30, 08:12:00 PM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. I hope I don't have to get my teeth pulled. By the way, Waldo's back in his home now.

Sat Jul 01, 09:11:00 AM EST  
Blogger bethoven said...

I've never had to get my wisdom teeth pulled and don't plan to have it done...ever. Glad to hear it went as well as could be expected.

Like the new look on your page!

Sat Jul 01, 06:02:00 PM EST  
Blogger Sage said...

so when are you's gonna post again?

Wed Jul 05, 07:50:00 PM EST  
Blogger La Profesora said...

hey i like your new "logo", Jeff.
I'll post soon. Unlike SOME people in our family . . . :)

Thu Jul 06, 01:33:00 PM EST  
Blogger samurai said...

Wow - it has been over 20 years since I had my wisdom teeth taken out and I still remember the experience (to put it nicely). May the Lord grant you a quick recovery and little pain. :)

I had a question about your Favorite books... "Historical Fiction the Bible"... I'm wondering if there is supposed to be a comma in there, or is there really a book with such a title?

Grace to you and your family...

a brother in Christ

Fri Jul 07, 09:16:00 AM EST  

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