Sunday, July 09, 2006


What is the "perfect age"?

I have meditated on several articles/comments/ads lately that focus on age. An ad I read said something to the effect "I don't want to be younger, I just want to look it." I agree, to a certain extent.

I feel blessed right now to be at the age I am. God has taught me so much and continues to teach me, and I am more teachable than I used to be. I am a realist, not an idealist. I don't care what number you put on it, it doesn't really matter to me.

Yes, the younger body would be nice - gone are the days of eating with no exercising and still looking good. And higher energy levels would certainly be a plus.

But I still would not trade places with a younger person just for those things - not after all the Lord has taught me. There are things that can only be earned with age.
I am coming up on 44 in August.

Being beautiful loses it's glamour too as you get older. I am not so wound up about looking good - if it happens, great. If not, oh well :)

Now getting old old and having health problems - that would be difficult. What patience older people have! But that must be a time of trusting in the Lord with all your being.

I do like being around younger people, and have questioned myself about that. I think it is because if you are genuinely sincere with a teenager, they will usually accept you. Many "grownups" have so many "hangups" - like money, social status, keeping up appearances, that it gets annoying and isn't real sometimes. Young people just say what they think and you usually know where you stand, and I still like that.

Just thoughts.

And I think I finally have my blog like I want it.


Blogger Julie Alexander said...

You are preachin' to the choir here, sister! 40-something is a great age! The ladies in my class are a real encouragement to me. Several are widows, some are dealing with significant health issues, and yet they are faithful to Sunday School and church! I also enjoy their honeriness! They say when you get to be their age, you can start huggin' the men! They are so much fun! I like this background a lot better.

Mon Jul 10, 07:20:00 AM EST  
Blogger Butterfly said...

i like this post, i can't really relate for the obvious reasons...but i think many times teens and even young adults worry about growing older because you lose the glamour of being young and spry, but not many look at it from your point of view, seeing that the older you get the more you get to know God, and the more wisdom you gain. and God never stops teaching, no matter how old you get....i like your backround too.:)

Mon Jul 10, 08:21:00 AM EST  
Blogger La Profesora said...

it's "ornery", jax :0

Mon Jul 10, 09:51:00 AM EST  
Blogger Julie Alexander said... mother like daughter! Since you are "older" than me, I will submissively accept your correction! ;)

Mon Jul 10, 10:32:00 AM EST  
Blogger Butterfly said...

what is that supposed to mean mother?;) i'm just joking....hehehe

Mon Jul 10, 03:51:00 PM EST  
Blogger samurai said...

I am approaching 40 (in the Fall of this year). But I am not dreading it like 'Hollywood' would want me to. I am looking forward to these years.

Tue Jul 11, 09:28:00 AM EST  

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