Friday, January 27, 2006

Jail visit

We have been visiting a 19 year old girl in jail for a couple of months. Went through the plan of salvation and she thought she was saved. But she was raised Catholic - so today we broached all of those things they believe that we don't. It was a 1 1/2 hour friendly argument! She really believes in transubstanciation. And in praying to the saints. And in the supremacy of the Pope. That'll make you know the Word better, arguing like that. I wish it upon all of you! :))))

Monday, January 23, 2006

The robbery

Things totally take you by suprise sometimes. Like getting into a car accident. Or being robbed.

My good friend ,Marlene, and I were about to leave this afternoon to make a visit to a lady who visited our Spanish class for the first time last week. We had just hopped in the van and it dawned on me she may not have eaten lunch yet. So I told here that they had some extra food in the kitchen in the building right in front of us. She started to get her billfold out, but I told her to never mind because the food had been announced as free. She tossed the billfold back into her purse and set it on the front seat of the van.

As she walked towards the building I got back out of the van and told her I'd go with, since she only speaks Spanish, and might want to ask the workers something. We were in ther maybe 2 or 3 minutes and said goodbye. After having a word of prayer for our visit, she decided to call a mutual friend for directions. At that point she realized her purse was missing. :(((

This is a lady who is from Panama and had her green card in her purse (very hard to replace quickly) as well as her social security card, bank car, checkbook, a little money, some medicine, etc. She was distraught. I felt so bad for her and yet know God has everything in control.

We filed a police report and they took fingerprints and asked questions.

You never know what will happen in a day and the most important part is how we respond. What is important to us? It sure shows in a crisis. Where is our faith? It also makes me very aware of the desire of Satan to thwart our plans to advance the kingdom of Christ. Gotta be alert.

Libby with her haircut, for those who wanted a pic.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Rainy Saturday

Boy, aren't Saturdays nice? Just the notion that you are not expected to show up for school or work - I like getting started slowly, even if I did wake up at 6:30 to take the dog out.
It's just Libby and I this morning. Dan and Dad left to go shopping and take Sam to a work meeting and then they are off to a friend's bday party.
This pic is of Libby on Tampa Bay when we went down to visit Clearwater Christian College. I will post one of her new haircut soon. Boy was that place pretty.
Tonight is a Fishers of Men banquet for those of us who completed the soulwinning course.
Last night after work we went to the library - Columbus has a huge new library with lots of everything. We have been enjoying getting DVDs of old TV series. Last night we watched the old Mary Tyler Moore show. Comedy has changed so much - back then they had good writers and very distinct characters with personality. I think that now a lot of the comedy revolves around sexual inuendos. What do you think?
It is great hearing from many of you. May the Lord bless you with a good weekend, especially Sunday. :)

Monday, January 16, 2006


Yes, we have today off school. Sorry, for all you who don't :( I like winters down here - even if it is chilly in the morning it always warms up.
We went to Montgomery over the weekend for a deacon's retreat and it was nice to see a little bit of Alabama. Montgomery is only 1 and 1/2 hours from here.
Here is our family pic we did for Christmas, minus Mark Allen, who was not here for the pic. He is living in Fowler with Dan LaBue. We have a little doggie, as you can see.
I wish so bad we could see Fiddler ont he Roof in Lafayette in March. Sounds like a great production.
Sam took his PT test for ROTC. Now just on to the medical exam at the end of the month and interview.
I cut Libby's hair short - like a Dorothy Hamill cut. She looks cute.
The guys are moving things around in the sheds today to make an art spot for my husband. He has already been contracted to do kids murals for a nearby church in their children's dept. They are coming out great!
Happy holiday to all of you!

Monday, January 09, 2006


It is a neat experience to work the altar at church. At Grace many people come down front to pray. Sometimes people want to pray alone, but other times they want someone to pray with. It is a way we can bear one another's burdens. Yesterday there was an Army wife whose husband is delayed coming back from Iraq.
A few weeks ago CJ, a young woman in rehab for meth came forward to receive the Lord and I was able to lead her to Christ. What a joy to see the light in her eyes as salvation dawned on her.
Today is Monday - back to the work week :)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

New Year

I can't believe how 2005 flew!
We celebrated the New Year with some new friends - the Fleeks, the Alexanders, the Mittens, and my sister and brother and lawand family, the Amsbaughs. Played Mad-gab - it was great! The women won, of course. :)

My K-4 class is back in session and we have now started reading groups. It is so cute to watch them walk to the reading circle and the big smile that spreads accross their face as they read the letters. They are adorable. Here is a pic.

We visited 2 Spanish stores on Thursday and are making friends with the owners. One is a Peruvian and one from El Salvador. They are both friendly and open. There is also a fellow my husband met at CiCis restaurant that is in the Army - can't remember from what country, but teaching here at the base right now, and interested in the church. Keep praying with us for new contacts.

Sam has been accepted to Clearwater Christian College and is working on a ROTC scholarship. Dan is going to enter in debate for Fine Arts competition - he should be good at that and is already researching. Libby is enjoying K-5.

We are looking forward to Deacon's Retreat in Montgomery next weekend.

I've been thinking a lot about my old Spanish students in Lafayette and miss them. I enjoy kindergarten, but also miss teaching Spanish.

Please comment and let me know what you are up to!